
  1. reveal.js/demo
    all features
  2. This webpage
  3. idp
    syntax highlighting, eval() js code for d3 introduction
  4. msc
    interactive svg, latex \newcommand formulas, embed videos

HTML slide

Best features of using reveal.js for presentations
  1. HTML+JS+CSS, HTML5 (Video, Audio)
  2. Markdown
  3. highlight.js
  4. MathJax \(E(x) = \sum_{i=0}^N \| \lambda x\|^2\)


HTML slide

Best features of using reveal.js for presentations
  1. HTML+JS+CSS, HTML5 (Video, Audio)
  2. Markdown
  3. highlight.js
  4. MathJax \(E(x) = \sum_{i=0}^N \| \lambda x\|^2\)
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